Support & Resources

Latest ‘Puppy Handbook’

All Swashbuckle Puppy Families receive a comprehensive ‘Puppy Handbook’ that helps with the early months of bringing up a happy, healthy puppy.

But sometimes they get lost, sometimes a ‘puppy ate my handbook’.

We also update our Puppy Handbook every litter, and if you want to download the latest version, ‘click’ the button.

Doggie Drawings - Training Resources

We discovered Lili Chin and her wonderful ‘Doggie Drawings’ a few years ago. We originally included a ‘deck’ in our Puppy Packs to help children learn the important skills needed to raise a happy, healthy puppy. But then we discovered everybody can learn from Lili Chin - children, adults and experienced dog handlers. Click the picture to visit to enjoy Lili’s wonderful resources.